Project Description

The works have started in December 2017, with the realization of a new outer drainage system at the Terminal 1 (in replacement of the existing one), to continue with the realization of all the foundations works of the forepart T1. Subsequently, the works went on with the extension of the forepart drainage system, divided in the various working phases. (Phase 1- phase 2 – phase 3 – phase 4).

After the assembly of the steel structures (performed by other firms),we went on with the construction works (currently in progress).

In the newT1 dock, n° 8 turrets were realized for the connection of airplanes and for the transit of passengers.

Later we acquired by Pavimental the realization of the works in theT2 forepart (building lot 2), currently in progress.

Pavimental S.p.A.

Realization of building works for the construction of the New Dock and of the T1 forepart

Fiumicino (RM) – Italy

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